All events & contents 2024

  • CollabDays Finland 2024


  • Professio: Tekoäly & assistentti 2024

    Tekoäly tiedostojen hallinnan apurina

  • Advania: Ajattelemisen aihetta -podcast 6/2024

    Sähellyksestä selkeyteen – miten varmistaa tuottavuus digitaalisen kaaoksen keskellä?

  • SharePoint User Group Fi 6/2024

    SPUGFI 06/2024 tapaaminen, aiheena SharePoint Premum

  • DynamicsMinds 2024

    🌟 Unlock the Magic: Power Platform and SharePoint for Process Efficiency 🌟

  • European Collaboration Summit 2024

    Streamline communications with Viva Amplify

  • Teams Nation 2024

    Modern ways of teamwork in Teams - Best practices and tips

  • Cloud Technology Townhall Tallinn 2024

    Harnessing M365 and AI for productivity, wellbeing, and digital debt reduction